An AC filter is designed to trap dust and pollen inside your home. When it becomes clogged, it can cause dust and pollen to be released into the air. These particles are known to trigger allergic reactions in sensitive individuals. If your AC needs to be properly maintained, you will need to replace your AC filter more often.
AC Filter |
9 Simple Signs Your AC Filter Needs Replacing
If you frequently experience symptoms such as poor air quality, a musty smell, or a clogged filter, it's time to replace your AC filter. Here are nine simple signs your AC filter needs replacing:
AC Filter Needs Replacing |
1. Dirty or Blockage
One of the most simple signs that your ac filter needs replacing is when it's visibly dirty or clogged. Check your filter every six months and replace it as soon as you notice a build-up of dust and dirt.
2. High Energy Bills
When you have a high energy bill, you should check the air conditioner's filter. An AC filter helps to remove dust, allergens, and debris from the air in your house. When the AC filter gets clogged, the unit's coils get cold.
When the coils are cold, the refrigerant in the coils freezes. Frozen coils can cause an issue with the air conditioner. When this happens, the unit will be less efficient, and you will pay higher energy bills.
3. Rattling Noises
Strange noises from your air conditioning system may indicate it's time for a change. Rattling sounds or grinding might mean something is stuck in the filters and needs to be cleared. If this noise persists, you should get the filters checked by a technician right away to avoid any further damage to your AC unit.
4. No Airflow Rate
Your blower should be setting off a focused airflow rate when switched on at full capacity with a new filter installed correctly in place – if not, this could be an indicator that it's time to change the filter again. If there is poor airflow throughout your home, then the cause could be a clogged air conditioning filter.
5. Unusual Odors
If you have an unusual odor, you should try to find the source of the smell. You should change the filter if you have a musty smell or a clogged filter. If you detect an unpleasant odor coming from your air ducts or vents, it is a perfect idea to check out the filter on your unit.
You can check this by pulling it out. Be careful. It can be heavy. If you see anything abnormal, call a professional to help you out.
6. Poor Air Quality
If your air quality has worsened recently, you should probably replace your filter. AC filters trap contaminants and pollutants. If you live in an environment with lots of pollen and mold spores, your AC filter will accumulate dust. Knowing how to keep HVAC units free of contamination is important.
Even if you don't have pollen allergies, you can still get sick if you spend a lot of time around people with colds. If you are a smoker, consider replacing your AC filter after about six months. There is no set number of days that the filter should last.
7. Short Cycling
Short Cycling occurs when an AC unit turns on and off more frequently than normal - this is often caused by restricted airflow caused by clogged filters, so having these replaced quickly will put an end to any short cycling symptoms!
8. Humidity Concerns
If you are having problems with humidity in your home, you should replace your AC filter. AC filters collect pollen and mold spores. If your AC filter collects too much pollen and mold, you may get allergies or asthma.
9. Allergy Symptoms
If you frequently experience allergies, you should keep an eye out for any indications that your AC filter needs replacing.
In conclusion, If you have been experiencing some common symptoms, you can be sure your AC filter is beginning to fail. However, it would help if you did not ignore those symptoms and did not get your filter replaced. There is still time to fix the problem.
You can get in touch with a qualified technician to see what can be done about the issue. Only try to fix the problem yourself if you are a skilled technician. If you need clarification on the process, you should contact a technician to help you out.